Start Feeding A Baby Solid Foods Three kids later, here are all my tips.

Kid 1: Make sure you do a bunch of research before you give your kid absolutely anything other than breast milk. Utilize websites like to identify appropriate first foods, stage 1 foods, and stage 2 foods. Visit special grocery stores like Mom’s Organic Market to obtain organic fruits and vegetables. Follow detailed instructions on Wholesome Baby Food to cook, puree, and freeze gallon bags filled with ice cubes of each fruit or vegetable you plan to introduce. Dispose of anything that falls on the floor. Definitely no sweets. It will be a BIG DEAL when your kid gets to try cake on their first birthday.

Kid 2: Eh, you mostly know what to do now from Kid 1. Visit a website or two once to refresh your memory in the beginning, and then forget what you read anyway. Try to mostly buy organic stuff but don’t sweat it if you can’t. Make and freeze a few purees if you can, otherwise either puree on the fly or cut up tiny pieces to feed them. Apply the five second rule if anything falls on the floor. Eating some dirt is good for the immune system, right? Let them try a bite of dessert if their older sibling is having some.

Kid 3: You’re on your own, kid. Forage whatever you can find. Floor cheerios are totally acceptable. Organic- shmorganic. Don’t bother with purees. This kid gets random pieces of whatever everyone else is eating: sushi, pineapple, steak, brownies, cupcakes, whatever. Still no honey until age 1 though. Because there are still some rules (plus botulism).

Book 2 Recipes Without Pictures How Tos